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Q: What is the correct order from smallest to largest for the makeup of matter?
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What has the largest space between particles?

If you are discussing the three major states of matter, the answer is that the space between molecules is the largest in gases and smallest in solids. If you are discussing all five states of matter, the answer is that space between molecules is the largest in plasmas and the smallest in Bose-Einstein Condensates. However, these two states of matter are very rare and difficult to achieve.

Si unit for matter?

SI stands for Systems International. The unit for matter is kilograms. This unit can be used to describe the largest amount of matter to the smallest amount.

What is matter with a definite chemical makeup?

Matter with a definite chemical makeup is a pure substance.

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How do you find the range of numbers if there are two of the largest number?

That doesn't matter. Subtract the smallest number from either one of them.

What is the name of the smallest particle of matter?

A quark is the smallest particle in matter.

Building blocks of matter from smallest to largest?

Protons, neutrons, and electrons make up the nucleus, which is the smallest part of matter. Here are the parts from largest to smallest ; molecule, atom, and (pronton-neutron or electro).

The sequence of matter from smallest to largest?

Atom,Element,Compound,Cell,Tissue,Compound,Organ,Organ System, Organism

What are smallest units of matter?

The smallest units of matter are the subatomic particles.

What is the organization of organic matter?

the organization of organic matter is the organic materials from subatomic particles all the way to the universe and larger it is all organized into a specific order from smallest to largest

What is the second smallest matter?

We could say what the second smallest piece of matter if we knew what the smallest piece of matter was. Since the smallest pieces of matter known are quarks-down, strange and bottom have the lowest charge -3, they can be regarded as the first, second and third smallest particles.

Which is the order of particle size from largest to smallest?

The term 'particle' broadly encompasses any relatively small piece of matter, but in particle and nuclear physics, quarks and electrons are smallest, followed by protons, then neutrons.