Apples/Cost = 12/6 = 2 So 3 pounds of apples would cost 3/2 = 1.5 units.
One variable is a multiple of the other. One context would be the cost of buying tins of baked beans - with no discount for large purchases. In the cost of one tin is x units then the cost of b tins will by b*x units.
Oh, dude, let me put on my math hat for a sec. So, if you're buying 6 kg of peanuts at $3.00 per 500g, that's like 12 units of 500g. Each unit costs $3.00, so 12 units would be $36.00. So, like, the total cost would be $36.00.
For all answers to the common units studied try the following links:www.nvqassist.infowww.nvqhelp.infoGood luck
It depends on various situations, if electricity is utilizing in factory for producing units of product then it is direct cost as much time work continues in factory as much electricity requires, but if it is in office room which has not concern with factory environment then it is not direct cost
The gas compressors cost a lot more to maintain. While the electric units will cost a lot less, and also be able to lift a lot more than the gas units.
If direct labor don't change with number of units product then it is fixed cost but if it changes with the change in production units then it Is variable cost.
electricity cost, fuel, utilities etc. because these vary according units and not directly count for unit.
The cost of electrical energy is determined by the tariffpresented by your electricity supply company. A tariff is a scale of charges based on the price of one 'unit', or 'kilowatt hour', of energy consumed, and this price varies according to the number of units used. For example, the first x units will be charged at a certain rate; the next y units will be charged at a different rate; and so on. In some countries, the moreenergy you use, the lower the cost per unit becomes, whereas in other countries, the more energy you use, the higher the cost per unit becomes. On top of the cost per unit, most electricity supply companies also include a regular 'standing charge', which covers the cost of rental of the energy meter, meter reading, bill preparation, etc.So, in order to answer your question, you must obtain a copy of your electricity supply company's tariff, and you will have to work it out for yourself based on that tariff. A straightforward answer is impossible, as tariffs vary from company to company, and from country to country.
Cost center is the unit of quantity of product. Yes, it does relate to cost units. Without cost center, you could not determine if you had enough money to purchase units.
Cost center is the unit of quantity of product. Yes, it does relate to cost units. Without cost center, you could not determine if you had enough money to purchase units.
yes A cost that attaches to the physical units is termed a product cost. Product costs would include direct materials, direct manufacturing labor, and manufacturing overhead. Conversion cost is the cost involved in converting the direct materials into a finished product. It is composed of direct manufacturing labor and manufacturing overhead. Any cost that does not attach to the physical units would be termed a period cost and would be expensed as incurred. Therefore, a cost is either a period or a product cost. Electricity cost, whether variable or fixed, would be included in manufacturing overhead and classified as conversion costs, and therefore cannot be classified as a period cost.
The high-low method of cost estimation is used in managerial accounting as a way to estimate variable and fixed cost rates for a specific cost (e.g. electricity bill). It utilizes information on costs from previous years of operation and takes the cost for the year with the highest volume and the cost of the year with the lowest volume and finds the slope between the two. This slope will then become your 'per unit variable cost' for the cost item. By writing the slope in y=mx+b form where y is your total cost, x is your production amount, and m being the slope (variable cost), you can then find the variable and fixed (represented by b) cost portions. The advantage of this method is that it is easy to use and implement by managers. However, the method ignores the accuracy available with the data points from several years and attempts to summarize the cost behaviour of the cost item using just two year's costs (the year with the highest volume and the year with the lowest volume) Here is an example concerning the electricity bill in a factory: Year | Units Produced | Bill Cost 2000 | 50 units | $100 2001 | 67 units | $130 2002 | 20 units | $70 2003 | 120 units | $200 2004 | 88 units | $104 2005 | 112 units | $93 Under this situation, we take the year 2003 as our 'high' since it has the highest production volume and the year 2002 as our 'low' since it has the lowest production volume. By taking the slope of change in cost / change in unit volume, we get $130/100 units. Therefore our slope (variable cost) is $1.30 per unit produced. Plugging this value into either the 2002 or 2003 data, we find that $200 = $1.30(120 units) + b where b = $44. Therefore, using the high low method, we conclude that from the above situation, the electricity cost behaviour has a fixed cost of $44 and a variable cost of $1.30 per unit produced.
Variable cost is the cost which varies as variation in production units For example if 10 units produce variable cost = 100 if 100 units produce variable cost =1000 so per unit variable cost = 10
The cost of electricity per month depends on the amount that is used. For the average house, it will cost between 50 to 75 dollars. If the home is heated by electricity, it can cost considerably more.