

What is the cube of 35?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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35 to the 3rd? That would be 48275.

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Q: What is the cube of 35?
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If 3 5 inches meant 35 inches, then the cube's volume is 35 x 35 x 35 = 42875 cubic inches.

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If you mean: 7∛125 Then the answer is 35. If you mean ∛(125 * 7) Then the answer is 5∛7

Mass of a sugar cube?

One sugar cube is equal to one teaspoon or 1/48th of a cup.

How can I figure the dimensions of a perfect cube if the hypotenuse through the center of the cube is 35cm?

Somehow I messed up andused 31 instead of 35 That is why you are receiving an improvement Do a Google search for Diagonal of a cube Find this website. - Draw a cube You will see how to find the diagonal of a cube. You use Pythagorean Theorem Draw a cube Label each side as s Draw the diagonal of the base of the cube Diagonal of base = (s^2 + s^2 )^0.5 Let the diagonal of the base be the horizontal side of the right triangle whose hypotenuse is the diagonal of the cube. The height of the cube is the vertical side of the right triangle whose hypotenuse is the diagonal of the cube. Now determine the length of the diagonal of the cube. (diagonal of base)^2 + (height of cube)^2 = (diagonal of cube )^2 Diagonal of base = (s^2 + s^2 )^0.5….Height of cube = s Use Pythagorean Theorem (diagonal of cube )^2 = (diagonal of base)^2 + (height of cube)^2 (diagonal of base)^2 = [(s^2 + s^2 )^0.5]^2 = s^2 + s^2 height of cube)^2 = s^2 (diagonal of cube)^2 = (s^2 + s^2 + s^2) (diagonal of cube )^2 = (3 * s^2) diagonal of cube = (3 * s^2)^0.5 = 35 (3 * s^2)^0.5 = 35 Square both sides 3s^2 = 31^2 = 1225 s^2 = 408.33 s = 40833^0.5 s = 20.2 cm

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Will a cube with 36 grams and a volume of 35 milliliters float on water?

Yes, it will because the density of water is 0.98g/mL and this thing's density is 0.972222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

How much time does salt need to melt an ice cube?

that depends on the size of the ice cube, how much salt, and the ambient temperature.

How many Grammy Awards did Ice Cube win?

8 Alone 2 with Westside Connections 2 with Da Lench Mob 2 with N.W.A. & 1 with C.I.A.

Is 77 a cube number?

If by cube you mean perfect cube (a cube of an integer), then no, and the nearest perfect cube is 81.

What solid figure has 3 pairs of parallel faces and all faces are congruent?

A cube. A cube. A cube. A cube.