The currency used in America is the American dollar. It is in one dollar bills, five dollar bills, tens, twenties, fifties and hundreds,
United States of America ($ ¢)Other countries that have a currency called the dollar ($)Countries using the Euro (€)Great Britain (£)Japan (¥)See the link below for more
Airports (You get the lowest conversion rate here) or Foreign Currency accepting banks (Usually your larger banks like Bank of America or Wells Fargo) banks. They will use the daily rate (which can be higher or lower, just depending on the market that day).
The Cambodian riel, International Currency code = KHR.
On Oanda Currency Converter you are able to check the exchange rate of almost every currency in the world. You are also able to check the price in your currency of commodities such as gold, silver and platinum. Recently Oanda added Bitcoin to it's list of currencies.
A random, make-believe currency is the Septim, which can be found in Skyrim.
No, the Euro is the currency in some European countries. The U.S. dollar is the currency in America.
The currency of Australia is the Australian dollar.The currency of America is the US dollar.
what is the currency in Nariobi? What is its equivalence to the America dollar what is the currency in Nariobi? What is its equivalence to the America dollar
the currency in America is dollars the sign on a computer is $
The national currency of the USA is the dollar
The type of money used in South America is called Contiki. Thanks for asking :)
America and Cuba both have American currency.
The currency in Chili is the chilean peso.
Dollars and cent
There is no currency which is used throughout all of Latin America. The currency used varies by country.
As far as I know there is no country in South America which has the Euro as its currency.
Pounds is the currency of England and dollars is the currency of America