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Human speech measured in 1 meter distance is arround 60 dBSPL. In 2 meters distance it is 6 dB less, that means 54 dB. Never forget tu tell the distance. The closer you are to a sound source the louder it is.

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Q: What is the decibel level of human speech?
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Average decibel level of human conversational speech?

Scroll down to related links and look at "Decibel Sound Pressure Level Examples".

What is the decibel level of animal speech?

dolphins make lots of diffrent noises cause they communicate.if they communicate, they make diffrent noises.

What is the noise or decibel level of crowing rooster?

A crowing rooster can have a crow that is upwards of a decibel level of 70. This can be comparable to the decimal level of a raised human voice.

What is the recommended decibel level for the human ear?

60 i think

What is the normal decibel of a human voice?

The decibel level for standard human voices is around 60 decibels, which is also the level for singing birds. Hearing loss occurs at around 110 decibels with painful hearing loss occurring at 130 decibels.

What does a decibel have to do with sound?

A decibel is the unit of measuring the level of sound.

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The decibel level considered too loud for dogs is around 90 decibels.

What is the decibel level at which noise becomes harmful for babies?

The decibel level at which noise becomes harmful for babies is around 70 decibels.

What is the decibel level at which noise becomes harmful to babies?

The decibel level at which noise becomes harmful to babies is around 70 decibels.

Why do you need hearing protection when shooting firearms?

The noise of a firearms discharge often exceeds the safe decibel level for human ears.

What is the decibel range of most speech?

Arround 80 dBSPL.