To convert 0.111111111 to a fraction, we can represent it as 1/9 since the decimal 0.111111111 is a repeating decimal with the pattern 1 repeating infinitely. This can be simplified to 1/9, which is the fraction form of the decimal 0.111111111.
18 hundredths as a decimal is 0.18, and as a fraction is 18/100, or 9/50 reduced.
4/18 = 0.2222 repeating
6/1/ = 6/18 as a fraction - which can be simplified, if you so desire. The decimal is 0.33... (repeating).
To convert 0.111111111 to a fraction, we can represent it as 1/9 since the decimal 0.111111111 is a repeating decimal with the pattern 1 repeating infinitely. This can be simplified to 1/9, which is the fraction form of the decimal 0.111111111.
0.1818 repeating is already a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction.In rational form it is 2/11.
18 as a decimal is 18.00 and as a fraction is 18/1.
If you mean: 0.181818.....18 repeating then as a fraction it is 2/11
The fraction for 18.6666667 can be simplified to 56/3. This is because 18.6666667 is equivalent to the repeating decimal 18.6̅, which can be expressed as 56/3 in fraction form. To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, you can set the repeating part as 'x', subtract the original number from the shifted number, and solve for 'x'.
To convert the decimal 18.3333 to a regular fraction form, we first need to identify the repeating decimal pattern, which is 0.3. Next, we express the repeating part as a fraction over 9 (since there is only one digit repeating). Therefore, 0.3 is equal to 3/9 or 1/3. Finally, we add the whole number part, which is 18, to get the final fraction form of 18 1/3.
As a fraction it is simply 18/1 and as a decimal it is simply 18.0
18 hundredths as a decimal is 0.18, and as a fraction is 18/100, or 9/50 reduced.
18% As a fraction = 18/100 or 9/50 As a decimal = 0.18
If that is a terminating decimal: 1.61111111 = 161111111/100000000 = 1 61111111/100000000 If that is a repeating decimal: 1.6111... = (16.111... - 1.6111...)/9 = 14.5/9 = 145/90 = 29/18 = 1 11/18