As a terminating decimal, 0.777777778 = 777777778/1000000000 = 388888889/500000000 As an approximation to (rounding to 9 decimal places of) the recurring decimal 0.777... (that is 7 repeating for ever), 0.777... = 7/9
11/9 = 1.222... recurring.
22/7 is the most commonly used (non-decimal) fractional approximation of piHere is are some more precise approximations listed in order of precision) 3123/994 , accurate to 3 decimal places) 2199/700 , accurate to 3 decimal places) 311/99 , accurate to 3 decimal places) 355/113, accurate to 6 decimal places) 180 / (57.295777777777777...) , accurate to 7 decimal places) (9.42477777777...) / 3 , accurate to 7 decimal is the 32 digit decimal approximation3.1415926535897932384626433832795"
2/9 to two decimal places is 0.22 .
Value of pi was first given by the semi god Krishna in Mahabharata to 32 accurate decimal places .In fact it can be extended more.Archimedes long later used an approximation method to calculate pi to 4 decimal places see the link below for how to calculate pi to 32 accurate decimal places
As a terminating decimal, 0.777777778 = 777777778/1000000000 = 388888889/500000000 As an approximation to (rounding to 9 decimal places of) the recurring decimal 0.777... (that is 7 repeating for ever), 0.777... = 7/9
3.142 rounded to 3 decimal places
11/9 = 1.222... recurring.
Not exactly. To 2 decimal places, pi is 3.14 To 7 decimal places, pi is 3.1415927 To 9 decimal places, pi is 3.141592654 pi does not terminate - it can be expressed to as many decimal places as required. 3.14 is often used as an approximation when doing calculations as it's easier to work with (than 3.141592653... ).
That's an approximation of "pi", truncated after ten decimal places.
It is about 9.487 rounded to 3 decimal places
That would be .2222222222 (or .2 rounded).
22/7 is the most commonly used (non-decimal) fractional approximation of piHere is are some more precise approximations listed in order of precision) 3123/994 , accurate to 3 decimal places) 2199/700 , accurate to 3 decimal places) 311/99 , accurate to 3 decimal places) 355/113, accurate to 6 decimal places) 180 / (57.295777777777777...) , accurate to 7 decimal places) (9.42477777777...) / 3 , accurate to 7 decimal is the 32 digit decimal approximation3.1415926535897932384626433832795"
2/9 to two decimal places is 0.22 .
.9 is already rounded to 1 decimal place. To 2 dp it is 0.90
355/113, originally from China. It's value is 3.14159292035, accurate to 6 decimal places.
No, but it's a relatively close approximation. 22/7 rounded to six decimal places is 3.142857, whereas pi is 3.141593. ---- 22/7 is only correct to 2 decimal places. A better approximation is 355/113 which is correct to 6 decimal places. 355/113 = 3.141592920353... π = 3.141592653589793... If you need to do accurate calculations involving pi you should use the π (pi) key on a calculator.