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The decimal equivalent of the binary number 10110000 is 176

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Q: What is the decimal equivalent to 1011 0000?
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Convert 1011 to its decimal equivalent?

1011 to its decimal equivalent = 1011.0

What is the decimal equivalent of 1011?

1011 base 2 = 11 base 10

When you add 1011 1101 in the binary system you obtain?

Adding the numbers 1011 and 1101 in binary gives 11000 - equivalent to the decimal number 24.

10 in BCD code is representd as?

The decimal number 10, represented in BCD is 0001 0000. If, instead, you mean that you have 10 in BCD and want to know what that means, that is equivalent to 0000 0010 and would be 2 in decimal.

What is 1011 in decimal form?

The answer will depend on the base used for 1011.

Decimal number -5 represented as a halfword in Hexadecimal notation is?

Alright, let's forget the - for a while convert 5 to binary. do this: 5/2=2.5 2/2=1 1/2=0,5 than this: 2.5 absolute value=2 1 absolute value=1 0,5 absolute value=0 finally this 2*2=4 and 5-4=1 2*1=2 and 2-2=0 2*0=0 and 1-0=1 <--(last digit) = 101 complete the binary number by placing a 0= 0101. Now as you might know HW = 2 bytes and 1 byte is 8 bits so to to complete you should place 0000 0000 0000 before your result: 0000 0000 0000 0101 Let's not forget about the - though... you'll have to invert your result 0000 0000 0000 0101= 1111 1111 1111 1010 and increment it by 1=1111 1111 1111 1011 and there is your result... You could check your result this way: 0000 0000 0000 0101 +1111 1111 1111 1011 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 The first bit defines if your decimal has a + or - (1=- and 0=+) The rest is simple... (1111=F) (1111=F) (1111=F) (1011=B)=FFFB (hex HW)

How would the binary number 1011 be depicted in decimal notation?

1011 = 11

What is the value of binary number 1011 1011?

Converted to decimal, the binary number 10111011 would be expressed as 187. If the space in the question indicates a separation between two numbers, then "1011 1011" would be expressed in decimal notation as "11 11".

What is the decimal number 11 in binary?

Decimal 11 = binary 1011

How does PCD differ from the straight binary number system?

I assume you mean BCD, Binary Coded Decimal. BCD uses 4 bits to represent one decimal number. The easiest way is to make a table, with decimal, BCD, Hex and straight binary. 1 0000 0001 1 0000 0001 2 0000 0010 2 0000 0010 3 0000 0011 3 0000 0011 ...Skip a bit.... 9 0000 1001 9 0000 1001 10 0001 0000 A 0000 1010 11 0001 0001 B 0000 1011 ...Skipping again.... 15 0001 0101 F 0000 1111 16 0001 0110 10 0001 0000 Get the idea? In the first one, 4 binary bits are matched with one decimal digit. In straight binary, the number scrolls on. Interestingly, this caused some problems, earning itself the name 'the 2.1K bug'. some systems, generally small systems like Eftpos terminals, wrote values in BCD binary, but read them as straight binary. So dates were written in BCD 10, but read back as (check the table) Ordinary binary 16. Hilarity ensued.

What is the sum of the binary numbers of 1001 plus 10 in both binary and decimal?

easy, 1011. in binary of course. convert 1011 binary to decimal you get 11.

What is decimal equivalent of BCD 11011.11011?

22.2 since we take 4 bits to convert in decimal and bit value can not exceed we divide 11011 as 0001 and 1011 . here we have 0001 as 1 but 1011 have value 11 so first we substract 6 from second part 1011-0110 so we will get 0101 which is equivalent to 5. now before decimal we have 15 ,since we substract 6 from this we need to add 6 so value became 15+6=21 .Same process we will do after decimal point and we will get .6 after decimal point so when we will add .6 here we will have 21.6+.6=22.2