25 is what percent of 80= 25 / 80= 0.3125Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.3125 * 100 = 31.25%
33.75. To calculate percent off, convert the percent into a decimal. So 25 percent = .25 as a decimal. Then multiply this by 45. .25*45 = 11.25. Then subtract this from 45. 45 - 11.25 = 33.75. You can also think of 25% as 1/4, and divide 45 by 4.
Divide 16 by 25. 16/25 = 0.64. To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100. =64%
Rounded to two decimal places, 25/177 x 100 = 14.12 percent.
Since a quarter of a percent would be .25% it's decimal form would be 0.0025.
it is 25% by dividing the 1 gallon by 4 quarts den multiply your answer wich will come out like a decimal. then you multiple the decimal you got as an answer and multiply it by 100
25% of 1 gallon= 25% * 1 gallon= 0.25 * 1 gallon= 0.25 gallon
Multiple the decimal number times 100. For example: .25 * 100 = 25% or 25 % or 25 percent
25% = 0.25 in decimal
25% = 0.25 in decimal
13/25 to a decimal and a percent = 0.52; 52%
25% of a gallon 4 quarts= 1 gallon 1 quart = .25 gallons
25% of a gallon 4 quarts= 1 gallon 1 quart = .25 gallons
Err... 2.5 IS a decimal. 2 1/2 is in fraction, and 2 and 50% is percents. ===================================== 2.5 percent is 0.025
36%(percent) = 0.36(decimal) = 9/25(fraction)