When you take a number and a place value word and put them together.
For example:
456 thousand
Number notation: 100,000 Word notation: One hundred-thousand
number notation is 9.5 * 106 word notation is nine million five hundred thousand
3000000000:Word form: Three billionStandard (number) notation: 3,000,000,000
Word notation: four billion fifty million.Number notation: 4,050,000,000
It is just the number written out as we normally write it.Example #1: for the number 725:Standard Notation = 725Scientific Notation = 7.25 x 102Expanded Notation = 700 + 20 + 5Number And Word Notation = 7.25 hundredExample #2: for the number 365.23:Standard Notation = 365.23Scientific Notation = 3.6523 x 102Expanded Notation = 300 + 60 + 5 + .2 + .03Number And Word Notation = 3.6523 hundred
A notation consisting of the significant digits of a large number and words for the place value. For example: 27 trillion
Number notation: 10 Word notation: ten
Number notation = 1,000 Word notation = one thousand.
The number notation is: 1,010The word notation is: One thousand ten.
Number and Word Notation is basiclly just writing in words For Example= 9,000,000-------->Word Notation----------->Nine-Million----------Number Notation------------->9,000,000
Number notation: 1,400 Word notation: One thousand four hundred.
Two hundred and five is word notation. 205 is number notation.
Number notation: 100,000 Word notation: One hundred-thousand
number notation is 9.5 * 106 word notation is nine million five hundred thousand
Number notation: 9,500,000 Word notation: Nine million five hundred thousand.
Number notation is: 2,680,000,000 The word notation is: two billion, six hundred eighty million
3000000000:Word form: Three billionStandard (number) notation: 3,000,000,000