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The terminator is the [moving] line on earth where day turns into night (and conversely).

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Q: What is the definition of a terminator line?
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What is the line between the light and the dark parts of earth?

The line between the light and dark parts of Earth is called the terminator. It represents the boundary between day and night as the Earth rotates, creating the cycle of day and night.

Who said this line ill need your clothes your boots your gun and your motorcycle?

Was it Terminator 2? Not sure if it was the opening line though.

What is the line that separates the light section and the dark sections on the earth and the moon?

The line that separates the light and dark portions on Earth is called the terminator line. On the Moon, this line is known as the lunar terminator or dusk line. It is where sunlight transitions into darkness as a result of the rotation of the Earth and the Moon.

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"Come with me if you want to live."

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The terminator.

What is the terminator on the Moon and what causes it?

The terminator on the Moon is the line dividing the illuminated side from the dark side. It is caused by the rotation of the Moon on its axis, which results in the changing position of the sunlight relative to the lunar surface.

What separates night from day?

Terminator is the twilight zone or "grey line" is a moving line that separates the day from night.The line around the Earth that separates the night side from the day side is called the "terminator".

What is the line between the light and dark parts of the is called the?

The line is called the terminator

What was first line in terminator 2?

"Your clothes , give them to me."

What is the sunrise sunset line called?

Oh honey, it's called the "terminator line." No, not that Arnold Schwarzenegger kind of terminator, but the line that separates day and night on Earth. So, when the sun is rising in one place, it's setting in another along this sassy line.

What is the terminator of the moon?

The terminator (twilight zone) is a line that delimits the illuminated day side and the dark night side of the Moon.