Odd and even numbers are whole numbers (integers) such as 1,2,3 etc...
If an integer is divisible by "2" without leaving a remainder (i.e. it will result in an integer) then it is even.
If an integer will not result in another integer when divided by 2 then it is odd.
2 & 4 are even as: 2/2 = 1 and 4/2 = 2 (both results are whole numbers)
1 & 3 are odd as: 1/2 = 0.5 & 3/2 = 1.5 (neither result is a whole number).
A definition of an odd number is 2n-1 where n is any integer. The product of two odd numbers is thus (2n-1)(2p-1) for any numbers n and p. Expanding the expression yields 2(2pn -(p+n)) + 1. The term on the left is even by definition. Adding 1 to any even number is, by definition, an odd number. Therefore, the conclusion is elementary (Watson); the product of two two odd numbers is an odd number
According to the definition, their odd. None of them can be divided by two evenly. A number must be divided by two evenly to be even.
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
Yes. An even number is defined as being evenly divisible by 2 (no fractional answers, only integers). If an odd number has an even factor, then because of the above definition, this odd number must have a factor of 2. But you will be hard pressed to find an odd number that is a multiple of 2, because that is already the definition of an even number. So, odd numbers cannot have even factors and thus odd numbers always have odd factors.
There is no such number. Many people mistakenly say that 0 is both even and odd or that 0 is neither even nor odd. 0 is even by every mathematical definition of the word "even" and is not odd by every mathematical definition of the word "odd."
An even number can be divided by 2 evenly. An odd number will have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.
Even square numbers are even, by definition. Two even numbers multiplied together give an even number so no, they cannot multiply to give an odd number. You have to multiply an even number by an odd number to do this.
A definition of an odd number is 2n-1 where n is any integer. The product of two odd numbers is thus (2n-1)(2p-1) for any numbers n and p. Expanding the expression yields 2(2pn -(p+n)) + 1. The term on the left is even by definition. Adding 1 to any even number is, by definition, an odd number. Therefore, the conclusion is elementary (Watson); the product of two two odd numbers is an odd number
Odd It is odd. The definition of an odd number is one that cannot be divided evenly by 2. The number 225 divided by two is 112 1/2.
According to the definition, their odd. None of them can be divided by two evenly. A number must be divided by two evenly to be even.
The definition of even is "divisible by 2", while odd means "not divisible by 2". You can use this definition and simply divide by 2; however, a faster way is to check the last digit of a number. If the last digit is even (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8), then the entire number is even; otherwise it is odd.
All even numbers have 2 as a factor - that is in their definition No odd numbers have 2 as a factor - that is in theirs. Trying to divide 2, or any multiple of it, into a number that by definition cannot be divided by 2, is a hopeless endeavour. There is no guarantee that you can divide an even number by an odd one, but it is not impossible.
One is an odd number, because by definition there is a remainder when one is divided by two. Even numbers have no remainder when divided by two.
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
Because every number is either odd or even. Even numbers are divisible by two, which means that (with the exception of 2 itself) they by definition are not prime.
No. 2 times 3 is 6. Multiplying any number by 2 will make it even. Other than that, since all other prime numbers are odd, yes.No, because 2 is a prime number, and any prime number multiplied by 2 is even. However, for any product in which 2 is not a factor, it is odd by definition.