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The definition of order of operations is to use the P.E.M.D.A.S.strategy. P.E.M.D.A.S. means Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Adding, Subtracting. You have to use them in order. If there are no parentheses, see if there are any exponents if not move on to the next letter. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE. You use these operations and use them in order. That is why it is called order of operations

(30-3) / 3=9

I subtracted what was in the parentheses which was 27 then I divided it by 3. Three times 9 equals 27, so the answer was 9. Also, if there is multiplication or division or even both, do multiplication first. If there is just division do that first then just go by the order. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE


i did the multiplication first which was 17*5 and I got 85 + 3 and my answer was 88.


The order of operations is an order in which you do operations (i.e. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction). PEMDAS is a good way to remember the order, but for multiplication & division as well as addition & subtraction, it doesn't matter if division comes before multiplication or subtraction comes before addition, as long as you are doing the problem from left to right for multiplication & division and left to rightfor addition and subtraction.

For example:

2 x 6 + 3 x 2 / 3 - 2 + 14

First you'd do 2 x 6, which is 12, and then 3 x 2, which is 6. 6 divided by 3 is 2. Then you have to go back and add 2 to 12, as we skipped over the addition sign between the 6 and 3 to begin with. 2 + 12 is 14. Subtract 2 and you get 12, and add 14 and you get 26. This got a little messy, as you have to hop around to get all the operations done in order, but the order of operations requires you to do the operations this way. 26 would be your correct answer.

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