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Typical diameter of a plain punched shoelace hole (no reinforcing eyelet) is 3.5 mm. Eyelets can vary quite a bit in size, but most range from 3.5 mm to 4.5 mm.

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Q: What is the diameter of a shoelace hole?
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Related questions

What is the hole for your shoelace called?

The hole for your shoelace is called an "eyelet." It secures the shoelace in place and allows you to tie your shoes securely.

How would you instruct a kid to tie his shoelace?

To tie a shoelace, grab the two shoelace's, cross them, make a bunny ear with one of them and wrap the other one around it, push the one shoelace that you put around the one you made into a bunny ear and push it through the hole and pull both shoelace's and whala!

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the hole that a shoelace on a boot goes through is called eyelets, loops, or lace holes.

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a shoelace a shoelace a shoelace

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4.24563 inches is the diameter of a golf hole.

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CD's have a diameter of 5.5 centimeters;)

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The plural of shoelace my dear is shoelaces.

Do blackholes have a diameter Why or Why not?

Yes, black holes have a diameter, which is referred to as the event horizon. The event horizon is the region beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the immense gravitational pull of the black hole. This diameter can vary depending on the mass of the black hole.

What is the length of a black hole?

Black holes do not have a physical surface or boundary to measure the length. The size of a black hole is typically defined by its event horizon, which is the point of no return beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull of the black hole.

How much does a shoelace weigh?

The average shoelace weighs just about a gram or two, depending on the length of the shoelace.

Has the cat eaten a shoelace?

No, the cat has not eaten a shoelace.

Can you reduce the hole diameter of a fuel injector?
