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The 5' end starts with a phosphate as the nucleotide and the 3' end starts with deoxiribose, or the sugar as the nucleotide.

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Q: What is the difference between 5' and 3' end of a DNA molecule?
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What determines where on the DNA molecule transcription begins and ends?

An RNA primer will attach to the unzipped DNA molecule signaling the beginning of transcription and transcription will occur until the DNA molecule is completely copied (the end is when there is no more DNA molecule to replicate).

How many strands of DNA did you start with and end with?

we started with a single strand DNA molecule.

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What end of the DNA molecule allows the best access for DNA polymerase during replication?

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Teleomeres are unnecessary in bacteria because the DNA is circular?

Correct, because there is no end to the DNA molecule for telomeres to exist.

What does it mean by a concatemeric molecule?

A concatemeric DNA is the product of multiple replication and recombination. The result of this multiple replication is a molecule which contains many copies of the same DNA connected end-to-end. For example the bacteriophage T4 uses concatemeric DNA for the generation of mature virus particles.

At the end of replication each new DNA molecule is composed of?

After DNA replication, each new molecule has one strand of the original DNA molecule and the other strand is composed of new nucleic acids. This is due to the semi-conservative replication of DNA.

What is made in transcription?

mRNA is made. Messenger (Ribose Nucleic-Acid). mRNA is a single strand of RNA made from the template strand of DNA. The mRNA is a exact copy of the coding or sense strand of DNA. The only difference between the produced RNA and DNA is the DNA has deoxyribose as its backbone sugar, and all Thymines have are replaced with Uracil.

DNA molecule antiparallel Why?

The DNA molecule is anti-parallel. This is because the two strands are the opposite of one another, such that if one strand has the base sequence ATC, the opposite strand would have the base sequence TAG.

Difference between DNA replication and transcription?

1. Replication is the duplication of two-strands of DNA. Transcription is the formation of single, identical RNA from the two-stranded DNA. 2. There are different proteins involved in replication and transcription. 3. In replication, the end result is two daughter cells, while in transcription, the end result is a protein molecule. 4. In transcription, DNA serves as the template for RNA synthesis.

True or false replication start at one end of DNA molecule and proceeds to the other end?

False: DNA replication starts at origins of replication which can be anywhere on the DNA molecule. Replication is taking place at multiple origins at the same time.

If the sticky end of a nucleotide sequence is TTAA what is next?

If the sticky end of a sequence is TTAA, it can bind to a DNA molecule with the sequence AATT