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Q: What is the difference between BC-B and BC-D castes?
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What is the difference between a BCD to decimal decoder and a BCD to 7-segment decoder?

A: A BCD code must be decoded to provide a seven digit output to the 7 bars display that is the only way to see the binary number visually.

What is the difference between binary codes and bcd codes?

In BCD each digit of a decimal number is coded as a separate 4 bit binary number between 0 and 9.For example:Decimal 12 in BCD is shown as 0001 0010 (Binary 1 and Binary 2), in Binary it is 1100.

What is deference between BCD and decimal number?

BCD is a decimal number. BCD is one specific way to store decimal numbers in computer memory.

What does BCD in BCD Travel stand for?

The name BCD doesn't stand for anything according to Bernd Rittinger, BCD Travel Director of Operations.

Why to add (0110) during BCD addition?

Well, adding (0110) during BCD addition helps us adjust the result when it exceeds the range of a single BCD digit. It's like adding a little bit of magic to ensure our calculations stay within the limits of BCD representation. Just a little touch of (0110) can make all the difference in keeping our numbers happy and balanced.

How do you convert BCD to decimal?

explain decimal to BCD encoder

What is BCD Travel's population?

The population of BCD Travel is 13,000.

When was BCD Travel created?

BCD Travel was created in 2006.

What is the difference between weighted and non weighted codes?

what is weighted codes: The decimal value of a code is obtained summing up the positional values. weghted binary code s are those which obey positional weighting principle. each position of number represents a specific weight. There are millions of weighted code The most common one is 8421 Non weighted codes: This codes are not positionaly weghted. each position with in the binary no is not assgned to afixed value.Examples of nonweghted code is ASCCI, GREY CODE, EBCDIC CODE etc

Where can one find information on bcd travel?

There are many websites where someone can find information on BCD Travel. Some examples of such websites are BCD Travel Direct, BCD Travel In Motion, and Indeed.

How do you explain Decimal to BCD encoder?

explain decimal to BCD encoder

represent decimal number 862 a) BCD?

BCD of 862 is 100001100010