Smaller means Being below the average in size or magnitude.Smallest means the lowest size or magnitude.
The range.
what is the difference between the largest 8-digit number and the smallest 6-digit number
The largest 5-digit number is 99,999, the smallest is .00001,and the difference is 99,998.99999 .If you only want to consider whole numbers, then the smallest is 10,000and the difference is 89,999 .
This difference is called the range. Subtract the smallest value (S) from the largest value (L).Formula: L - S = Difference
Mathematically speaking, the range is the difference between the largest and smallest number, so subtract the smaller number from the largest number.
the difference
5210. - .0125 = 5209.9875 A decimal does not have to be smaller than 0 so 5210 IS a decimal.
~full=smallest (smaller than queen and king) ~queen= bigger than full (smaller than king) ~king= biggest (bigger than queen and full)
The range.
what is the difference between the largest 8-digit number and the smallest 6-digit number
The largest 5-digit number is 99,999, the smallest is .00001,and the difference is 99,998.99999 .If you only want to consider whole numbers, then the smallest is 10,000and the difference is 89,999 .
smaller, smallest
The smallest difference between two stimuli that can be noticed 50% of the time.
This difference is called the range. Subtract the smallest value (S) from the largest value (L).Formula: L - S = Difference
Since a thousand squared is a million, the "smallest..." is the square of 1001, and the "largest..." is the square of 999.