The interval is the DIFFERENCE between a number to the next on a scale.
The scale is the SERIES OF NUMBERS starting at 0 to another number on the top of a graph. For example....
If the graph has 0-100 numbers on it...thats the scale. The 0-100 is the scale.
I hope you understand.
interval interval
It's an interval
The class interval for each interval is the difference between its upper limit and its lower limit.
difference between inclusive and exclusive class interval
On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.
interval interval
The difference between the successive values on a scale is an interval.
the answer is, interval
It's an interval
Yes, the interval of a graph is the difference between any two consecutive numbers on a scale.For example, if the scale read: 2,4,6,8,10 then you could do 4-2, 6-4, etc. to find the interval. (which is 2)
The fundamental interval on the thermodynamic scale is the Kelvin scale, where the interval between each degree is the same size. This scale begins at absolute zero and is used to measure temperature in thermodynamics.
an ratio scale is where both measurements are in the same unit of measurement and an interval scale is where they are not. i dont know if this helps at all but we are learning about it in maths at the moment and that is the easiest way for me to understand it Beside the features of interval scales, ratio scale carries zero point measurements. Means that the zero value is considered when we do the measurement in ratio scales. Say that it is not only differ between 1 to 10, but there is also different to compare two intervals between 1 to 10, and 100,001 to 100,010 when we measure them (intervals) starting from zero point scales. * * * * * Unfortunately, the first paragraph above is nonsense. An interval scale is one in which the difference between two points can be quantified numerically. However, the zero is arbitrary. The Celsius and scale is an example. The difference between 1 deg C and 3 deg C is twice the difference between 7 deg and 8 deg. But 3 deg C is not 3 times as hot/cold as 1 deg C. A ratio scale is an interval scale with the added requirement of a non-arbitrary zero point such that the value of 3 is three times the value of 1. The Kelvin scale meets those requirements. Scales in common use, that are not interval are the Richter scale (earthquakes) or Beaufort (wind speeds) where the points on the scale are indicators of outcomes.
Interval scales have measurements which are in equal distance from each other. For example, the difference between 70 degrees and 80 degrees is 10, which is the same as the difference between 40 degrees and 50 degrees. Ratio scales are similar to interval scales but include an absolute 0 measurement, which signifies the point when the characteristic being measured vanishes. For example, income (measured in dollars) at 0 means no income at all. Basically, interval and ratio scales are the same, but ratio scales must be able to be measured at a zero starting point.
The step between grid lines on a scale represents the interval by which the scale is divided. This step helps to quantify and measure the distance or value between different points on the scale. It essentially denotes the unit of measurement being used on the scale.
An interval scale is a scale of measurement for which the difference between two points on the scale is meaningful. The scale gets its name because this definition implies that the intervals between successive points on the scale are the same.For example, the Western-style calendar years form an interval scale. The distance between 1901 and 1902 is the same as the distance between 2032 and 2033, namely one year. At the same time, the distance between any pair of years, for instance, 1066 and 1075 is also meaningful, being 9 years.However, it's important to point out that, although there is a '0' year we cannot say that the year 2000 is 'twice as old' as the year 1000.