There are 16 ounces in one pound. Therefore, 137 ounces is equal to 137/16 = 8.5625 pounds.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! Half of 137 is like taking a big, beautiful canvas and dividing it right down the middle. So, when you cut 137 in half, you get 68.5. Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents in math!
Calculate each of the following: 0 x 137 1 x 137 2 x 137 etc.
-137-45 = -182 (-137 - 45) is the same as (-137 + -45), which is the same as -(137+45)
137 x 4 = 548
Probably the same amount he weighed when he died, which was 137 pounds.
There are 16 ounces in one pound. Therefore, 137 ounces is equal to 137/16 = 8.5625 pounds.
137 pounds is approximately equal to 62.14 kilograms.
137 pounds is approximately 62 kilograms.
There are 2.20462262 pounds in one kilogram.137 kilograms = 137 x 2.20462262 = 302.33 pounds
1 kg = 2.2 pounds 137 pounds = 137/2.2 Kgs
137 kilograms = 21 stone 8 pounds
137 pounds = 9.78 stone.
$137 is £112.90
56 kilograms, 128 pounds, 60 kilograms, 137 pounds.
A person weighing 150 pounds on earth would weigh 137 pounds on Venus
It depends on your height and age, and whether you mean ounces, pounds, kilograms or tonnes. 137 pounds is likely to be a healthy weight, but 137 kilograms is only good for a fairly tall person.