27 over 72 = 3/8
72% = 72/100 = 18/25
27/72 = 3/83/8
Some equivalent fractions of 8/9 are: 16/18 = 24/27 = 32/36 = 40/45 = 48/54 = 56/63 = 64/72 = 72/81 = 80/90
27 over 72 = 3/8
16 over 144 is equivalent.
The fraction 36 over 48 is an equivalent of the fraction 72 over 96.
It is: 36/72 = 1/2
144 over 162
Fractions that are not equivalent to 36 over 72 are 2 over 12, or 1 over 6, or 3 over 18
the answer is 32/72
It is: 12/72 = 1/6 simplified
27/36, 9/12 & 3/4 are all equivalent fractions to 54/72