To find equivalent fractions to 7/9, you can multiply or divide both the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero number. For example, multiplying both by 2 gives 14/18, and multiplying by 3 gives 21/27. These fractions are equivalent to 7/9 because they represent the same proportion of a whole.
There are infinitely many fractions equivalent to 9/21 - they are the fractions formed by multiplying the numerator and denominator (by the same counting number {1, 2, 3, ...}) of the simplest form of 9/21 which is 3/7. Thus {3/7, 6/14, 12/28, 15/35, ...} are all equivalent fractions to 9/21.
In fractions, 7/9-2/9 is 5/9.
7/21 or 9/27 are both equivalent fractions to 1/3.... there are many others !
4 over 9 8 over 18
fractions which are equivalent to 3 over 7 = 6/14, 9/21, 12/28, 15/35,...
7 over 9 is equal to 14 over 18 and 70 over 90
3/7 or 9/21
6/14ths and 9/21sts
They are: 14/18 and 21/27
9/21 & 3/7
6 over 14, 9 over 21, 12 over 28
equivalent fractions for 3/7 = 6/14, 9/21, 12/28...
equivalent fractions for 9 over 12 = 3/4, 18/24, 27/36,...
To get the equivalent fractions of 7/9:Multiply 7/9 to 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5,...Equivalent fractions of 7/9 = 14/18, 21/27, 28/36, 35/45,...
14/18, 21/27, 28/36