

Best Answer
To the 20th and 40th17592186044416 is 4 to the 20th power

19342813113834066795298816 to the 40th

* * * * *


The first is 422, not 420, the second is 442, not 440

And also they do not answer the question!

the correct answer is:


Or 1.607*1060 (approx).
4^100 is extremely large number!

The actual evaluation of 4^100 is 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376.

Use the calculator or some calculation program to obtain that value.

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Q: What is the exponent answer for 4 to the 100 power?
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Yes, one can be an exponent. Something to the first power is the base. For example, 4 to the 1st power is 4. 1,345,864,123 to the 1st power is 1,345,864,123. I hope this helps!

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A base number is the value to the power of the exponent. For example, in 2^4, 2 is the base number and 4 is the exponent.

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You fail SO badly. If we have x^4, the 4 is the exponent- the power to which a number is raised. It can be positive or negative.

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