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8 = 2 to the third, so 8 to the sixth = 2 to the eighteenth. ie ((2 to the third) to the sixth). In this case you multiply the powers, not add them. Check it out, if you added the powers, you'd get 2 to the ninth which is 512, ie 8 to the third.

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Q: What is the expression for 8 to the power of 6 written as a base 2 power?
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It is a base. 3x^2 (which may look like this on a page: 3x2). Where x is the base 2 is the exponent 3 is the coefficient. For more information please see the related link.

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It is a base. 3x^2 (which may look like this on a page: 3x2). Where x is the base 2 is the exponent 3 is the coefficient. For more information please see the related link.

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