It is 30 which is thirty
The place value of the 3 in 329 is 300. The face value is 3. Therefore, the difference between the two is 300 - 3 = 297.
Place value: hundredsFace value: three hundred.Place value: hundredsFace value: three hundred.Place value: hundredsFace value: three hundred.Place value: hundredsFace value: three hundred.
Whatever equals 340
The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500The face value of 3 is 3: the value of 3 is 3000The face value of 5 is 5: the value of 5 is 500
340 = 12,157,665,459,056,928,801.
It is 30 which is thirty
Place value of 3 in 309812 is 300000 but its face value is 3
The place value of the 3 in 329 is 300. The face value is 3. Therefore, the difference between the two is 300 - 3 = 297.
340 x 3% = 10.20
Oh, dude, two thirds of 340 is like 226.66666666666666666666666666667. But, like, who really needs that much precision anyway? Just round it to 227 and call it a day. Math is hard, man.
(3/5) x 340 = 3 x 68 = 204
100 % of 340 is 34010% of 340 = 34, therefore30% of 340 = 34 x 3, which is 102So, 130% of 340 = 340 + 102, which is 442.
They are 340, 680, and 1020.