Oh, dude, the feminine form of husband is wife. It's like the yin to the yang, the peanut butter to the jelly, the Beyoncé to the Jay-Z. So, if you're looking for your better half, just find yourself a wife, man.
The feminine form of groom is bride. The female partner in a marriage.
Calculator is feminine in French. The French word for calculator, calculatrice, ends in an e. Most words that end in e in French are feminine. Not always, but most of the time, you can rely on that rule.
Definitely yes
In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female.The noun for a male is master.The noun for a female is mistress.
Mattress King
The feminine form of husband is wife.
I don't know what the feminine form of it is but the reverse of Sempai is kohai.
If you mean the feminine equivalent of husband the word you are looking for is wife.
A husband is married to a wife.
The feminine form of ami is amie. The feminine plural is amies.
The feminine form of alumnus is alumna. The feminine plural is alumnae.
The feminine form of bajo is baja. The feminine plural is bajas.
Mistress is the feminine form of master. It is already in feminine form.
Baroness is the feminine form.
The feminine form of charmant is charmante. The feminine plural is charmantes.
The feminine form for host is "hostess."
The feminine form of "mauvais" is "mauvaise."