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It is a series of numbers and the next number is the last number you wrote down added to the second to last number you wrote down

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Q: What is the fibinacci sequence?
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Who invented the fibinacci method?

Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa. Not fibinacci!

What are same good example fibinacci' work?

If you are talking about Fibinacci as in the sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89... than some very good examples of when this sequence is seen in real life are given in the book The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. The Fibinacci sequence is known as the "Golden Ratio" or the most beautiful number. The rule of the sequence is that each two preceding terms equals the next. So 1 and 1 equal 2, 1 and 2 equal 3, 2 and 3 equal 5, and so on. Real life examples of the ratio in use are the number of female honey bees in any comb the world over to male bees.(I believe this was one of the examples from the DaVinci Code) Also in art, DaVinci himself used the sequence to make his famous work, the Vitruvian Man. Many more examples of this work of Fibinacci exist, just do a little bit of research, and it will go a long way.

Who invented the methods?

Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa. Not fibinacci!

What is a fibinacci sequeance?

A Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical sequence that starts with zero, and continues by adding the previous two terms. The Fibonacci sequence starts: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. Each term from the second term onwards is achieved by adding the pervious two terms.

When did fibinacci die?

i dont know??? i asked the question tell me now!

Can you tell me about the fibinacci cows?

No, but I can direct you to some related links to find out for yourself.

Where do fibinacci numbers occur in nature?

Fibonacci numbers occur in various aspects of nature, such as branching in trees, arrangement of leaves, spiral patterns in flowers, and the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower. These patterns are found in both living organisms and non-living structures, demonstrating the mathematical beauty and efficiency of the Fibonacci sequence in nature.

What are the sequence to be followed to sequence service?

sequence of service

How do you get the sequence of 3354435543?

3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.3354435543 is a single number, it is not a sequence.

What is a PHP sequence?

There is no such thing. A sequence is a sequence, but it has no special meaning in PHP.

What is a sequence that is predictable?

A deterministic sequence - as opposed to a stochastic or random sequence.

What is the difference between an infinite sequence and a finite sequence?

A finite sequence has a beginning and an end, whereas an infinite sequence has no end.