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Q: What is the first CPU to include an internal math coprocessor?
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What is the standard IRQ setting for a math coprocessor?

Which processor first integrated the math coprocessor in the CPU chip?

your mom!intel1883

Is there microprocessor with the name 80487?

No. An 80487 would have been a math coprocessor for an 80486 general-purpose microprocessor...just like the 8087 was the math coprocessor for the 8086 and 8088, the 80287 for the 80286, and the 80387 was for the 80386. The 80486 was the first Intel processor to contain an on-chip math coprocessor, so there wouldn't have been an 80487 because it wasn't necessary.

What is the first CPU to include an internal math co processor?

Not sure if it's the first but:"Intel processors later than the 80486 integrated floating-point hardware on the main processor chip" source:'t find anything about Motorola processors with math coprocessors built-in.I believe AMD was just behind Intel with the processor design.

What does Intel 486 mean?

The Intel 80486 was a microprocessor family produced by Intel introduced in 1989. It was their first 86 processor with a math coprocessor built into it. It's predecessor family were the 386 family and it's sucessor was the Pentium chip

Why do math coprocessors enhance the capabilities of an ordinary CPU?

They simply make it easier to do floating point instructions.Before the 486 computers, math processors (or floating point units) in IBM compatibles were optional. The 486DX was the first CPU to include a floating point set as standard equipment. Intel did release the 486SX which was much like the 386DX, which had no floating point set.Most of the older programs that required floating point instructions were compiled with floating point libraries. These were instructions that used the CPU to emulate a math coprocessor. The software would call the floating point command just like the coprocessor was there. The CPU would throw an exception that it didn't understand the command, then the exception handler would send the command to the floating point library which would then execute it.But these routines were slow and the CPU had to be tied up to run them. A lot of the floating point libraries also had floating point processor detection routines. So if a math coprocessor was detected, then all the software interrupts used by the emulator sets would be routed to the math coprocessor. So when the CPU refuses to execute an instruction, the coprocessor takes over.In certain cases, the CPU can continue with the next instructions while the FPU is busy if there is no risk of a race condition. A race condition is when there is a chance that the result might not be there when it is needed. For instance, you don't want the CPU to process the results of the FPU before the results arrive, or the CPU will get random garbage from memory and act the next instruction upon the garbage. Then the FPU puts its result in that area of memory too late. So one way around that is the FWAIT instruction. That pauses the CPU while the FPU finishes to prevent a race condition.

What does 80486 microprocessor from Intel consist of?

It contains a 32 bit CPU, a floating-point math coprocessor, unified instruction and data cache memory and memory management unit in a single IC.

How did aristotl's adult life include math?

how did aristotle's adult lif include math.

What are a list of jobs that are high paying that do NOT include science or math?

An actor or actress does not include math or science.

What is first in math com?

First in Math is an online math supplement based on the 24game series.

What is a tayp of math?

Types of math include algebra, geometry, calculus, and trigonometry

What are the importance of trigonometry?

Trigonometry is a type of math math=success once you know math you can do anything! Think of one job that DOESN'T include math. Some Jobs like being a scientist or a mathematician include trigonometry