a division sentence is when you divide and when you divide then you put the bigger number first
write a division sentence modeled by an array that has 2 more rows than the number in each row
In a division sum, such as 12 / 3 = 4, the dividend is 12. The second number is called the divisor, and the answer is called the quotient.
In any division sum, such as 12 / 4 = 3, the first number is the dividend, the second number is the divisor, and the third number is called the quotient.
In any division sum, the number to be divided - the first number in a sum such as 6/2 = 3 is called the dividend. The second number is the divisor, and the answer is the quotient.
a division sentence is when you divide and when you divide then you put the bigger number first
you can write a division sentence by writing lets say 20/2. You have to have a big number first like 20 then a division sign / then a smaller number that goes in to the numbe 20 which can be 2 then you put an equal sign = then the answer which is 10. that's how to right a division sentence.
A division sentence is a number sentence. The sentence is used to express a division fact such as six divided by three equals two.
A number is always divisible by its factors.
a division sentence means sentence with numbers with division but don't wright a sentence
The number that is going to be divided is called the dividend (or the first number in a division question), while the number that is going to do the dividing is called a divisor (the second number in the division sentence/equation). Example: 8 divided by 2 = 4 8 is the dividend 2 is the divisor 4 is the quotient, or the solution to the problem. (8 is the )
write a division sentence modeled by an array that has 2 more rows than the number in each row
a number that is left after division has been completed.
The divisor oF a division problem is the number you divide by.
an number sentence is a sentence for numbers like the following: 8x2=16 9÷3=3 got it? just a simple addition,multiplication,division,subtraction and an inequality sentence!
In a division sum, such as 12 / 3 = 4, the dividend is 12. The second number is called the divisor, and the answer is called the quotient.