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Q: What is the formula for calculating area of a hemisphere?
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What is formula for area of semi sphere?

Formula for calculating the area of a hemisphere... Area = (4 x pi x r2) / 2

Formula for calculating the area of sphere?

Formula for calculating the area of sphere is : 4 * pi * r * r

What is the formula for calculating a part of hemisphere volume?

Volume = (2/3)Pi*r3

What is the formula for calculating surface area of a hemisphere?

The surface area of a whole sphere, of radius r, is 4*pi*r2.The area of the curved surface of a hemisphere is, therefore, 2*pi*r2.The area of the flat surface is that of a circle of radius r, that is = pi*r2.So the total surface area of a hemisphere is 2*pi*r2 + pi*r2 = 3*pi*r2.

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What is the formula for calculating the volume of a hexagonal prism?

The formula for calculating the volume of a hexagonal prism is to take the area of the hexagon, then multiply it by the height of the prism.

What is the formula for calculating the area of a regular pentagon?

The formula is 1/2 (apothem) (perimeter)

Formula for calculating surface area of a cone?

The answer will depend on what information you have.

What the formula for calculating volume?

Volume = area X height

What is the formula for calculating population density -?

The formula for calculating density is: Population density= Total population divided by total area. Simply, if you have a scientific calculator, do the population over area.

What is the formula for calculating the area of a trapezium?

area of trapezium=1/2{a+b}h

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Its Area = pi * (radius ^2 - height^2)