weell, the extirior is the common ground of angular decivries so the answer would be................................ yes u gueseed it 1.59876432 squared hope i helped! im a proffesor so i should be right according to my calculations ;)
they are angles that are usually parallel and that crossed the line that are oppsite from each other
The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360o.
If it's a regular polygon: 360/number of sides = each exterior angle
The exterior sum of the angles of any polygon including a triangle is always 360 degrees.
real life example of exterior angles
The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360 degrees.
The sum of the exterior angles of any poygon always total 360 degrees.
360o; the sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360, as given in the formula E = 360.
For any n-sided regular polygon the exterior angles are 360/n degrees.
Interior angles using the formula: (24-2)*180 = 3960 degrees Exterior angles: 360 degrees
it always equals to 360
360 divided by number of sides
180 x (7-2) = 900 degrees Actually that is the formula for interior angles. All figures have a sum of 360 degrees for their exterior angles.
they are angles that are usually parallel and that crossed the line that are oppsite from each other
For any polygon: 180-interior angle = exterior angle and the exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360 degrees
Interior angles are 180 degrees Exterior angles are 360 degrees