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The area of a square is:

A = Width × Height or A = Length * Length = Length^2

The Perimeter of a square is:

P = Length + Length + Length + Length = 4 * Length

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Q: What is the formula for finding the area and perimeter of a square?
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What is the formula for finding the perimeter of a square that has an area of 144 square inches?

The formula for the area (A) of a square is A = L2 where L is the side length of the square. Therefore L = √A. The formula for the perimeter (P) of a square is P = 4L : as L = √A, then P = 4√A When A = 144, then P = 4 √144 = 4 x 12 = 48.

What is the area and perimeter of square?

The formula for the area of a square is: s * s where s = length of a side The formula for the perimeter of a square is: 4 * s where s = length of a side

What is the formula for measuring area within a given perimeter such as a square?

The formula for measuring the area of a square is s2, where s is the length of one of the sides. The perimeter would be 4s.

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Area of regular polygon: 0.5*apothem*perimeter

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perimeter is the measure around the figure; area is the measure within the figure formula: perimeter: length+length+width+width=perimeter (for square or rectangle) area: length times width= area ( for square or rectangle)

What is the formula of getting the area of square?

Formula for finding the surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 in square units. Formula for finding the volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 in cubic units. Or did you mean the formula for finding the area of a square? in which case it is Length*Height in square units.

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What is the perimeter of a square if it has an area of 49 centimeters squares?

Area of a square can be calculated using the formula A = a^2, where "a" is the length of a side of the square. Its perimeter is P = 4*a. 49 = a^2 => a = 7cm P = 4*7 = 28cm The perimeter of the square is 28cm.

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The area of a Parallelogram is Base * Height The Perimeter is 2(side1 + side2)

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The formula for finding the radius of a circle is circumference divided by double of pi. If area is given instead of circumference, the radius may be found by dividing the area by pi, then finding the square root of the resultant quotient. It is also equal to half of the diameter, or the diameter divided by 2.

What is the formula to find one side of a square?

The answer will depend on what information about the square you have: its perimeter, area, length of diagonal.