You multiply the commission rate (the percentage, divided by 100), by the amount for which you are supposed to get commission.
Sum of all samples divided by the number of samples.
what is the commission of 49000 at 8.25
commission is added percentage
If the commission was $27,000 and the Agent sold the home for $360,000, what was the exact commission?
Commission: $374.00
Kothari commission
There are many many ways of calculating commission - it depends on the contractual agreement.
Commision (C) = Total Sales (TS) X Rate Of Commission (RC)
Commision (C) = Total Sales (TS) X Rate Of Commission (RC)
There is no standard formula. Different employers use different methods.
Commission divided by sale = rate of commission.For example:Last week Don Felt made a commission of $325.80 on $2715 sales. Find his rate of commission.S325.80/2715=12%
The brokers commission means that if he finds a house for you costing say, 50,00000 rupees value. Then he will charge a 2percent of the whole amount as his commission.
The formula in getting the energy ohm's law is V = IR.
There were would be various approaches to this depending on specifically what you wanted to do, like what and how many rates there are. The following is a simple example based on a single commission rate and a value that has to be reached before commission is earned. If you take it that the value being checked for commission is in A3, the rate of commission is in B4, and the minimum value at which commissioned can be earned is in B5, then you could use the following formula: =IF(A3>=$B$5,A3*$B$4,0)
80700 x 0.025 = 2017.50.
Getting sued
The difference in job profile between a short service commission and a permanent commission within the Indian Army is the difference between getting paid only when in the military (short service) and receiving a state pension upon retirement (permanent commission).