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Q: What is the formula used to find the area of the triangle?
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The formula used to find the area of a triangle is?

area= bash X height / by 2

Which is the formula used to find the area of isocelus triangle?

The formula is A=1/2(B*H)Where B=BaseH=Height

What is the formula used to solve for area of a triangle?

There are many formulas to find the area of a triangle although the most common is;A=1/2bh, where b=base and h=height

When heron formula was invented?

Heron, or sometimes called as Hero, invented the formula. The formula was used to find the area of a scalene triangle or an SSS triangle. The formula states for a triangle with sides a, b and c, the area can be calculated like this,K=sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), where K is the area and s is the semiperimeter of a triangle i.e. s=(a+b+c)/2.

Find the area of an isosceles triangle that has two sides 34cm long and the base is 32cm long with a height of 30cm Show your work and explain the formula you used?

there is no specific formula for isos triangle..... 1/2bh..which means 1/2xbasexheight is the formula for all types of if we take isos as a triangle we can use this formula to calculate the area of the figure!

What are the rules used to find the area of a triangle?

To find the area of a triangle you - Half the base then times it by the height ! Alisha xx

How the trigonometric area formula can be used to find the area of an equilateral triangle if you are only given the length of one side?

It is: 0.5*length squared*(sin 60 degrees)

What is the formula used to find the area of a triangel?

first, it's triangle second, it's 1/2bh b= length of the base h= height

Formula for calculating area of a triangle?

The formula used to calculate the area of a triangle is:=1/2 b x h= half of base x height of the triangleHope this helps, have a great dayMAKE IT SHINE :)

What is a side of a triangle or parallelogram which is used to help find the area called?

The side of a triangle or parallelogram used to help find area is called the base. Area is base times height in a parallelogram. In a triangle, it is 1/2 times base times height.

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