There are 12 dimensions of time. The past;present;future are three. They are all happening at the same time. What are the rest? Can someone help me with the answer?
what is demension of a seed box
A line has one demension, length.
by the demension of the planet earth
the fifth dimension is space-time, as explained in the book "a wrinkle in time"
1st demension __________ a line 2nd demension a box 3rd demension a cube 4th demension (in mathematical terms and Einsteins theory) Time 5th demension a tesseract (travelling through time and space in a matter of seconds
You have to be a member.The demension thing is awsome.
It's in the second demension, in a tunnel next to 2nd demension Candace.
what is demension of a seed box
you have to be a member!
It's in the fifth demension.
on your demension 3100
no one knows
A line has one demension, length.