That fraction of 108/132 reduces to 9/11, or 9 over 11.
72/108, when simplified, is equivalent to 2/3.
To simplify the fraction 216/324 to its lowest terms, we need to find the greatest common divisor of both numbers, which is 108. Dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 108 yields 2/3. Therefore, 216/324 simplified to its lowest terms is 2/3.
108 minutes = 108/1 minutes (in fraction form).
That fraction of 108/132 reduces to 9/11, or 9 over 11.
As an improper fraction in its lowest terms 108% is 27/25
63 over 108 in lowest terms is 7/12
25/108 is already in its lowest terms
108 over 24 in lowest terms = 9/2 or 41/2 or 4.5
0.108 as a fraction is 108/1000. In lowest terms it is 27/250.
Well, honey, 108 percent is just 1 and 8/75 as a fraction in its lowest terms. So, there you have it, simple as pie.
9 over 10.