1/3 = 2/6 No.
A fraction is equal to one if its denominator and numerator are equal.
One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.One half = 1/2.Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero integer. You will have an equivalent fraction.
one third
An equivalent fraction is just a multiple of the one that you have (i.e it is the one that you have, scaled up or down). So multiply the fraction that you have until either the numerator or the denominator match the given numerator/denominator of the fraction with the missing number. The number in the corresponding place on the fraction that you multiplied is the missing number.
1/3 = 2/6 No.
Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) by any non-zero number and you will have an equivalent fraction.
an equivalent fraction in two sixes
Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) by any non-zero number and you will have an equivalent fraction. Change either one of them and you will have a fraction that is not equivalent.
A fraction is equal to one if its denominator and numerator are equal.
The one where the numerator is twice as much as the denominator.
The one where the numerator is twice as much as the denominator.
Change one fraction into an equivalent fraction so that both have the same denominator. 3/12 + 1/3 = 3/12 + 4/12 Both the numerator and denominator of 1/3 have been multiplied by 4 to convert it to the equivalent fraction 4/12. 3/12 + 4/12 = 7/12
one third
Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent fraction.