To simplify the fraction 420/1980, we first find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which is 60. We then divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD to get the simplified fraction. So, 420/1980 simplifies to 7/33.
0.33's fraction in it's simplest form would be 33 over 100
0.072 as a fraction in simplest form is 9/125.
0.09375 as a fraction in simplest form is 3/32.
3.181818 as a fraction in simplest form = 1590909/500000
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 420%, or 420/100, is equal to 4 1/5 or four and one fifth.
4 1/5 or 21/5
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 240/420 is equal to 4/7, or four sevenths.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 60, 420/540 is equal to 7/9 or seven ninths.
Simplest form
the answer is 420/1980 = 7/33
To simplify the fraction 420/1980, we first find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which is 60. We then divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD to get the simplified fraction. So, 420/1980 simplifies to 7/33.
what is 10.475 as a fraction in simplest form
140/420 = 1/3
To simplify the fraction 420/1980, we first find the greatest common factor (GCF) of both numbers, which is 60. Then, we divide both the numerator and denominator by 60 to get the simplified form. Therefore, 420/1980 simplifies to 7/33.
As an improper fraction in its simplest form it is 77/5
It is -87/100 as a fraction in its simplest form