The biggest fraction among a given set of fractions is the one with the greatest numerical value. To determine which fraction is the largest, you can compare their values either by converting them to decimal form or by finding a common denominator and comparing the numerators. If you have specific fractions you'd like to compare, please provide them, and I can help you find the largest one.
infinity many
YES!!! Especially when converting decimal to inifinyt to a fraction.
Yes!!! Because it can be converted to a fraction. However, is '6.2222' a terminal decimal or do you mean that it repeats to infinity. If it repeast to infinity it shoulkd be written as '6.2222....' Note the three or more dots after the last decimal digits. This indiv=cates to mathematicians that the deimal 'repeats to infinity'. In both cases they are RATIONAL numbers, because they can be both converted to a quotient/fraction.
Stating infinity as a fraction is something like trying to find what is north of the north pole. Infinity can only be infinity.
74 1/infinity or (74*infinity + 1)/infinity
Calculating Infinity was created on -19-04-03.
The Beginning of Infinity was created on 2011-03-31.
The Infinity Complex was created on 2006-03-21.
It is: 1/3
"Infinity + 1" is meaningless both mathematically and philosophically.
The biggest fraction among a given set of fractions is the one with the greatest numerical value. To determine which fraction is the largest, you can compare their values either by converting them to decimal form or by finding a common denominator and comparing the numerators. If you have specific fractions you'd like to compare, please provide them, and I can help you find the largest one.
There is no greatest possible fraction.Note: Infinity (∞) is not the answer because it is not a fraction.
infinity many