Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, to check if 56/196 is equivalent to 132/462, you gotta simplify both fractions. And guess what? After simplifying, both fractions reduce to 7/25. So, yeah, they are equivalent. Like, it's as easy as stealing candy from a baby.
462 LCM of 6 and 7 = 42 42*11 = 462
To find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of two numbers, you first need to find the prime factors of each number. The prime factors of 154 are 2, 7, and 11, while the prime factors of 231 are 3, 7, and 11. To calculate the LCM, you multiply each prime factor the greatest number of times it occurs in either number: 2 x 3 x 7 x 11 = 462. Therefore, the lowest common multiple of 154 and 231 is 462.
They are: 21*22 = 462
462 * 10000 = 4,620,000
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 132 and 462 is 66.
It is: 6
The GCF is 66.
The greatest common factor (GCF) is often also called the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF). Keep in mind that these different terms all refer to the same thing: the largest integer which evenly divides two or more numbers.The greatest common factor of 420, 462, and 546 is 42
The GCF is 42.
The GCF is 42.
The GCF is 42.
Oh, dude, the greatest common factor of those numbers is like the biggest number that can divide all of them without leaving a remainder. So, you just gotta find the factors of each number and see which one they all have in common. It's like a math puzzle, but not as fun as a jigsaw puzzle. So, the greatest common factor of 84, 126, 294, and 462 is 42.
The GCF is 6.
The only common factor of 41 and 462 is 1.
The Greatest Common Divisor/Denominator is 33
The LCM is: 924