The greatest common factor (GCF) of 34, 51, and 68 is 17. To find the GCF, you need to determine the factors of each number and then identify the largest factor that is common to all three numbers. In this case, the factors of 34 are 1, 2, 17, and 34; the factors of 51 are 1, 3, 17, and 51; and the factors of 68 are 1, 2, 4, 17, 34, and 68. The largest factor that is common to all three numbers is 17, making it the GCF.
The common factors of 51 and 68 are 1 and 17.
To find the equivalent fraction of 51, we need to divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. In this case, the greatest common factor of 51 is 1, as 51 is a prime number. Therefore, the equivalent fraction of 51 is 51/1, which simplifies to 51.
51 3, 17
51/68 is equal to 3/4. In general, to reduce a fraction, you have to find the largest number which divides both the top and the bottom, called the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) or Greatest Common Divisor (GCD). In many cases, you can do this by simple observation, but sometimes, as here, the GCD is not obvious -- most people don't know the multiples of 17 off the top of their head. If the GCD isn't readily apparent, the straightforward thing to do is to try to find all the factors of both numbers. By trial division, you'll find that 3 divides 51, so 51 is 3*17, where 17 is prime and can't be broken up further. 68 is even so we write it as 2*34; 34 is also even, and is 2*17, so 68 is 2*2*17. The only prime factor in common is 17, so this is the GCF. A far easier way (for large numbers you wouldn't want to factor) is Euclid's Algorithm, which relies on the observation that if a number divides A and B, it will also divide their difference A-B. So we can make the problem simpler by subtracting the smaller number from the larger. Observe how this works in our case: we start off with 51 and 68. 68 is the larger, so we replace it by 68-51, which is 17. Now our problem is to find the GCD of 17 and 51. Subtract 17 from 51 to get 34, and then 17 from 34 to get 17. Now the answer is obvious: the largest number that divides both 17 and 17 is 17 itself. Whichever way you found the GCD, the thing to do is to cancel it from the top and the bottom. 51 becomes 51/17 or 3, and 68 becomes 68/17 or 4, so 51/68=3/4.
Greatest common factor of 51 and 34 is 17.
The Greatest Common Factor of 51 and 34 is 17.
17 is the greatest common factor - it goes into 17 once, and 51 three times.
The greatest common factor of 34, 51, and 102 is 17.
Since 17 is a factor of 51, it is automatically the GCF.
The greatest common factor (GCF) is: 17
There is not a greatest common factor of 51 because there cannot be a greatest common factor without two or more numbers to compare. Common factors are factors that the numbers being compared have in common.The factors of 51 are 1, 3, 17, and 51.Examples:The greatest common factor of 34 and 51 is 17.The greatest common factor of 51 and 90 is 3.The greatest common factor of 5 and 51 is 1.You need at least two numbers to find a GCF.
The factors of 51 are 1, 3, 17, and 51. The factors of 119 are 1, 7, 17, and 119. The factors they have in common are 1 and 17. Therefore the greatest common factor is 17. The greatest common factor can also be determined from the prime factors. The prime factors of 51 are 3 and 17. The prime factors of 119 are 7 and 17. The prime factors they have in common are a single 17, so the greatest common factor is 17.
It is 17
It is: 17