What this means is to round to the biggest digit that is not zero (the one furthest to the left that is not zero). So: 2.814 would round up to 3 because the greatest nonzero digit is the two and the digit to the right of that (the 8) is between 5 & 9. Some more examples of rounding to the greatest nonzero place: 0.00080472 ≈ 0.0008 0.330921 ≈ 0.3 (It rounds down as the number to the right of the 3 is between 0 & 4) 9.1 ≈ 9 5.942 ≈ 6
No, because the number of common multiples of any two nonzero numbers is infinite.
The product of two nonzero whole numbers will be a nonzero whole number.
A nonzero multiple of a number is a multiple which is not equal to 0.
What would be 159.45 if you round it to the greatest nonzero place
To the nearest ten, 70
It is seven tenths.
The correct answer is 3,205
That rounds to 40.
It is 72.