Usually that question has a number at the end."What is the greatest number that can be rounded to 20000?" and the answer
would be 24999. As written, the question has no answer since there is no greatest number.
Rounded off to the nearest whole number it is 92
Rounded off to the nearest whole number it is 73
The greatest whole number would be 499.
The greatest number that can be rounded to 45000 would be 45499. If it was even one more, it would be 45500 which rounds to 46000.
Greatest (whole) number = 154999 Smallest number = 145000
greatest number that can be rounded to 25500 is 25549
Rounded off to the nearest whole number it is 92
Rounded off to the nearest whole number it is 73
Any number can be rounded to the neaest million.
The greatest number rounded to 600,000 would be 649,999. When rounding to the nearest hundred thousand, any number equal to or greater than 650,000 would round up to 700,000. Therefore, the greatest number that would round down to 600,000 is 649,999.