Say this to someone:
If there were 60 sick sheep in a farm and 10 ran away, how much were there left?
But they will obviously think you said:
If there were 66 sheep in a farm and 10 ran away, how much were there left?
It will maybe take hours to let them guess it is 50.
But it isn't really a maths equation...its mostly something that people misheard
E = mc2
This question is one of the hardest to answer!It depends on your maths ability and what you know.The hardest would probably involve pi and cubed and complicated things like that.Im sure if you type into a search engine "What is the hardest maths question"" it will bring up something.One last thing, if you put in sum it will probably bring an addition because sum means add.Hope this helps as i am only 12!
can i get a project on maths topic is linear equations..??
e=mc2 just a guess
To do maths you simply solve the equation: ymxkb(8.22563)^2/yx8zm5b6wk=xmkjfqp(845632175)^2
E = mc2
the hardest maths sum is the question 6 of the 1988 maths olympiad
Level A maths is the hardest maths you can get. Level B maths is not so hard and level C maths is about the same as primary school maths.
In some ways, the hardest thing is 1 + 1 = 2.Once you have really understood that, everything else follows!
This question is one of the hardest to answer!It depends on your maths ability and what you know.The hardest would probably involve pi and cubed and complicated things like that.Im sure if you type into a search engine "What is the hardest maths question"" it will bring up something.One last thing, if you put in sum it will probably bring an addition because sum means add.Hope this helps as i am only 12!
the hardest pitch ever was 106 mph
No. Some of the world's hardest maths problems have remained unsolved for centuries.
The answer in a subtraction equation.
Physics, chemistry, biology, maths and i hear latin harder these days
The hardest challenge I've ever faced is life.
What has 4 letters, sometimes has 9 letters, but never has 5 letters?