There are infinitely many possible combinations - ranging from tall thin containers to short wide ones.
To find the Volume: (1) find the flat area (A = Pi*R²), (2) multiply the Area by the Depth/Height (V = AD). To find how much water the vessel will hold: water = 231 cu inches per gallon, or 7.481 gal per cu ft.
vessel length (ft.) multiplied by vessel width (ft.) divided by 15
it is the clock wise angle in radian or degree from heading of vessel to a straight line drawn from the station on the vessel to the object.
P02 is the partial pressure that oxygen exerts on a vein, artery or any other blood vessel.
You wll also need to know its radius as well as its volume
1 liter = 1000 cubic cm The diameter = 132/pai cm Base area = pai x (132/pai) 2 The volume is = Base x height = [(132) 2 /pai] x 25 /1000 litres Then do the calculation.
The reactor vessel in a boiling water reactor typically has a diameter of around 4.5 meters and a height of around 7 meters.
Step One. Calculate the surface area of the inside of the vessel. Assume that the thickness of the vessel is negligible.Diameter is 20. Circumference is pi * diameter.C = 3.14159 * 20 = 62.8318 cmHeight = 14cm.Surface area = C * 14 = 879.6452 cm2Step Two. Calculate the cost of tinplating the surface area879.6452 * Re1 / 100 = CostCost = 8.796452 RE
Blood pressure increases if the diameter of the blood vessel decreases.
It is a chemical vessel with a spherical body and a cylindrical neck.
In which of the following would the blood flow be highest? A) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 4 meters long B) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 10 meters long C) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 meters long D) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long
Tunica interna
Vasodilation or enlargement of the blood vessel
The jaws of the vernier calipers are used to measure the external diameter of a cylinder. The jaws are placed around the object being measured, and the reading is taken from the scale on the main body of the calipers.