

Best Answer

There are infinitely many possible combinations - ranging from tall thin containers to short wide ones.

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Q: What is the height and the diameter of a one gallon cylindrical vessel?
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How do you calculate vessel height and diameter with knowing volume?

You wll also need to know its radius as well as its volume

The circumference of the base of a cylindrical vessel is 132 cm and its height is 25 cm How many liters of water can it hold?

1 liter = 1000 cubic cm The diameter = 132/pai cm Base area = pai x (132/pai) 2 The volume is = Base x height = [(132) 2 /pai] x 25 /1000 litres Then do the calculation.

How big is the reactor vessel in a boiling water reactor?

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A cylindrical vessel open at the top has diameter 20cm and height 14 cmfind the cost of tinplating it on the inside at the rate of Re1 per 100 square cm?

Step One. Calculate the surface area of the inside of the vessel. Assume that the thickness of the vessel is negligible.Diameter is 20. Circumference is pi * diameter.C = 3.14159 * 20 = 62.8318 cmHeight = 14cm.Surface area = C * 14 = 879.6452 cm2Step Two. Calculate the cost of tinplating the surface area879.6452 * Re1 / 100 = CostCost = 8.796452 RE

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When happens when the diameter of the blood vessel decreases?

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What is a boile?

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Would doubling the length of a blood vessel have the greater effect on vascular resistance?

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