A common denominator, though not the least, is 1056.
The Least Common Denominator of 3/4 and 7/8 is 8.
The least common denominator of 6,7, and 8 is the least common multiple of those numbers. This is 168.
A common denominator, though the least, is 240.
Example: 2/3 and 3/4 The LCD of 3 and 4 is 12. Multiply the numerator and the denominator of 2/3 by 4 to make 8/12 Multiply the numerator and the denominator of 3/4 by 3 to make 9/12
A common denominator, though not the least, is 1056.
LCD(8, 12) = 24.
It is: 24
The least common denominator for 3/4 and 2/3 is 12 3/4 = 9/12 and 2/3 = 8/12
LCD(8, 12) = 24
The least common denominator is 24.
What is the least denominator of 2 and 3
The Least Common Denominator of 3/4 and 7/8 is 8.