Hi, do you mean what square number is closest to 4321? 66 squared is 4356 which is 35 from 4321 if that's what you mean?
it mean that 35 is least no. whih should be added to 4321 to make it perfect square
5607 + 18 = 5625, a perfect square. The perfect square of a square root is the number you started with.
The least number is -6710. That gives the sum as 6710 + (-6710) = 0, which is a perfect square.The least positive number is 14.
The least number that can be added to 60 to obtain a perfect cube is 4. Add 4 to get 64 whose cube root is 4
5607 + 18 = 5625, a perfect square. The perfect square of a square root is the number you started with.
The least number is -6710. That gives the sum as 6710 + (-6710) = 0, which is a perfect square.The least positive number is 14.
35, which makes 66 squared.
It is: 64 because the square root of 1089 is 33
Oh, dude, to make 3000 a perfect square, you'd need to add the square of the nearest whole number to its square root, which is 55. So, the least number you'd have to add is 55 squared, which is 3025. But hey, who's counting, right?
The least number that can be added to 60 to obtain a perfect cube is 4. Add 4 to get 64 whose cube root is 4
Here is how you can figure this out. Take the square root of 7581. Round this up. Square the result. This will give you the closest perfect square that is larger than 7581. Calculate the difference.