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Q: What is the least possible number you can write with a 1 in the thousands place?
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What is the smallest number you can make with 03579?

In order to make the smallest possible number with a set of digits, you want the least valued number in the greatest valued place. For 5 digits, you would want the least digit, 0, in the ten thousands place. You would then want the second least digit, 3, in the thousands place, and so on. For the digits 0,3,5,7,9 the smallest possible number would therefore be 03,579 or 3,579.

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The thousands place

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It is 87654.

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The thousands place in the number 3123 is the 3

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The smallest possible 9 digit number (assuming negatives are not allowed) is 102,345,678 in which 5 is in the thousands' place.

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To find the lowest number (over 0, I'm assuming) with a certain number in various places, place a 0 in each location that is not mentioned. So the smallest number with a 9 in the millions place and a 2 in the ten thousands place would be 9,020,000.

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5 is the number in the ten thousands place.

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The number in the thousands place is 4.

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the thousands place ot the number 178632 is 8