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Put these distances in order from least to greatest: 3/16 mile, 1/8 mile, 3/4 mile

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Q: What is the least to greatest fractions three fourth one eighth three sixteenth?
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What fraction is smaller than a half?

one fourth, on eighth, one sixteenth, and keep doubling the number

What is the least to greatest fractions one fourth one eighth three sixteenth seven sixteenth five eighth?

convert each to have a common denominator 1/4 x 4/4 = 4/16 3rd 1/8 x 2/2 = 2/16 smallest (1st) 3/16 2nd 7/16 4th 5/8 x 2/2 = 10/16 greatest (5th)

What does 1 fourth plus 1 eighth plus 1 sixteenth plus 1 sixteenth?


What is 1 half plus 1 fourth plus 1 eighth plus 1 sixteenth?


What is one fourth plus one eighth plus one sixteenth?

you guys neesd to have the answer to all math questions

One half plus one fourth plus one eighth plus one sixteenth?

the answer to your question is ... 0.9375 * * * * * or 15/16

What is the least to greatest fractions one half or three fifth or one fourth?

From least to greatest: one fourth, one half, and three fifths. I hope this helped!

Does a sixteenth note get a one half of a beat?

Yes and no. Commonly, a quarter note gets one beat, an eighth note gets half, and a sixteenth note gets one fourth of a beat (4-4 time). Occasionally, a song will be in 4-8 or 2-8 time, then the quarter note gets two beats, the eighth note gets one, and the sixteenth note gets half a beat. That help?

Is one fourth half of one eighth?

NO A fourth (quarter) is twice one eighth

How many different ways can you show that three fourth and six eighth are equvalent fractions show your work?

3-4s and 6-8s no posiblie wayz ***********************************************************************************************************************

Is one fourth larger then one eighth?

Yes. One eighth is half of one fourth.

What is one sixteenth of a fourth?

it's 4