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Q: What is the lowest common denominator of one fifth and one fourth?
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What is the common denominator of three fourths and one fifth?

The common denominator of three fourths and one fifth is twenty. The fractions including the common denominator can look like this: 3/4 to 15/20 and 1/5 to 4/20. Hope this helps!! ^^

Is one fourth greater then one fifth?

Yes one fourth is greater then one fifth, the higher the denominator the smaller the number. For example 1/12 is smaller than 1/4.

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What is four fifth plus two twentieth?

4/5 + 2/20 = 4/5 + 1/10 lowest common denominator is 10 8/10 + 1/10 = 9/10

What is one fourth plus two fifth?

2/5 + 1/4 = ?? Convert both fractions to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. This is usually the lowest common multiple of the denominators but if this is difficult to ascertain then use their product. 2/5 + 1/4 = 2x4/20 +1x5/20 = 8/20 = 5/20 = 13/20.

What are the fourth and fifth prime numbers?

The fourth prime is 7 and the fifth is 11.

What is the least common denominator of 0.9 and one forty fifth?

The LCD of 0.9 (9/10) and 1/45 is 90.

What is the standard form of fifth to the fourth power?

One fifth to the fourth power is 0.0016

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Is one fifth bigger than one fourth?

No. One fourth is 25% and one fifth is only 20%.