Its magnitude is 7985345.
Its magnitude is 7985345.
Its magnitude is 7985345.
Its magnitude is 7985345.
The magnitude of a number is always positive - it's the same as the absolute value.-52 can't be a magnitude, 33 can.
The order of magnitude of people in Portland is 5.
The answer is the magnitude (size) of the number.
The order of magnitude of a number is the power of 10 closest to the number. In the case of 500, the number is between 10^2 (100) and 10^3 (1000). Therefore, the order of magnitude of 500 is 10^2 or 100.
Tens of thousands.
The magnitude of -14 is 14. The magnitude is the absolute value of a number, which means it is the distance of the number from zero on the number line.
The magnitude of a number is always positive - it's the same as the absolute value.-52 can't be a magnitude, 33 can.
The order of magnitude is "tens".
Earthquakes are the events whose magnitude is expressed as a number on the Richter Scale.
Vectors have magnitude and direction. The magnitude is always a positive number.
The order of magnitude for the number of states in the United States is 0
A vector magnitude is the number that is associated to the length of the vector.
A magnitude is a number and so has no units.
A magnitude is a pure number - with no SI unit.
Apparent magnitude can be a misleading number because they do not necessarily correspond with the actual brightness of the star. The apparent magnitude is the number given to a star based on how bright it looks.